Support Singapore

Support Singapore YOG 2010

Thursday, June 19, 2008

DBlink and TNS could not resolve connect identifier specified

I had a strange problem yesterday

We were upgrading Oracle Servers and migrating and back and forth .We need to establish a DB link to move data from one db to one another

Oracle on Solaris 10 =DBNAME=PRD
Oracle on solaris 10=DBNAME=UAT

Steps we followed

1.Connect admin/*******@UAT

2.create database link PRD connect to admin identified by **** using 'PRD'

where PRD is the service name..

Database link created;

select * from hrm_employee@prd

ora-12514 TNS could not resolve connect identifier specified

PRD service entry is present in the TNSNAMES.ora in the client side..

connect admin/*******@PRD


so we tried all the option including replace the 'servicename' in the create DB link stmt with the


But still it didnt work out

Then i realised that DBlink uses the Server TNSNAMES.ora but not the Cleint TNSNAMES.ora which i am connecting from

We added the PRD entry in the TNSNAMES.ora and the DBlink worked

Pretty hard day...

New things are learned everyday..

Cheers maran

More Over

If the GLOBAL_NAMES=TRUE then the DBlink name should be same as the SID name..Or else you will hit the ora-2085 error.